£27.00 GBP

The Somatic Reset Toolkit

If you're on the road to binge recovery, this is a *must have* toolkit so you can start moving away from food as your go-to coping response. 

Perhaps THE most *important* (and often missing) part of binge eating recovery is learning how to regulate your nervous system, find ease within your body as the foundation of building body TRUST. 

What you'll get:

  • Workshop on your nervous system
  • Workshop on embodiment
  • Workshop on how to *actually* breathe
  • Six guided somatic regulation strategies 
  • Three worksheets to *practically* apply your learnings 

By elaborating your somatic toolbox, you will be able to EXPAND your window of resilience, ease anxiety, fear, guilt and get *clear* on what you *actually* need (instead of reaching for food as a knee-jerk reaction!)

Gain a solid foundation you can confidently build on! 🙌